March 2020 Mixed Review



Section 1: Information

 Welcome to 7th grade math Transition Day

(paper I gave you in class on transition day)



 Do one flyer per week.  Try to take your time and learn from them.  Do not do them all at the end.

Summer: Week #1:  Integer Introduction

Summer: Week #2:  The Number Line

Summer: Week #3:  Adding Integers

Summer: Week #4:  Subtracting Integers

Summer: Week #5:  Mult/Divide Integers

Summer: Week #6:  All operations 

Summer: Week #7:  Word Problems 


Section 3:  Survey


Take this survey so I can get to know you better: (be sure to open in Google Chrome if Internet Explorer does not work!)


Introduce yourself to me….



Section 4:  Extra Practice

If you feel that you could use more integer practice then please go to the following sites and practice.  The games will not work on your iPad, so you will need to use a desktop or laptop.  You will have a test on integers to see how much you know right at the beginning of school.

Some good practice sites:

Jeopardy with Integers

Quia Game with Integers

Integer Warp Game with Multiplying

Lots of Integer Games

Subtracting Integers

Adding and Subtracting Integers Game

Multiplying and DIviding Integers Game





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